Do you
enjoy surfing the net? Do you discover sites you think would be eligible
and "just right" for our ring? Many types of sites can be considered positive and uplifting in some way, and we would like you to nominate such sites to become members with us.
If you are a member of Serenity,
(Members ONLY
Please), complete the information required below to nominate a site.
Before you decide to "nominate" a site, however, please make sure that you have read and understood the
yourself. "Inviting" a site to “join” is that simple.
We will confirm receipt of your nomination. Our Site Review Committee will visit the site, provide feedback to you, and invite the nominee to join our Ring.
Surely you know of sites that contain a fair amount of inspiring quotes, stories, poems, or graphics, (or combinations thereof),
sites that contain fair number of good causes and information about the same, sites dedicated to ecology, sites that provoke Imagination,
Wonder, Fantasy, Empowerment... sites of Native American culture, or other cultures including stories, proverbs/sayings and information,
sites that are tributes to national or international causes, there are
sites of many different beliefs and philosophies, sites containing spiritual teachings -
(we neither advocate nor reject any of these beliefs and will add to the ring such sites submitted that are done tastefully and do not belittle other beliefs)
Also sites that have sendable inspirational and/or greeting pages, sites that have personal experience stories which can help or encourage others, sites
that offer help for victims of various things and offer them strength or solutions, sites of enlightenment or spiritual guidance,
and sites that take the viewer to another Delight, Inspire or provide Enchantment.