They may be....
Sites that contain illuminating, uplifting, quotes,
stories, poems, graphics and/or personal experiences. Hopefully, your site will contain at least some amount of original work as
opposed to simply "all re-prints" of others work.
Sites that contain helpful information and support regarding worthwhile "causes"
while not making it the single focus of the site. Those sites that provoke imagination, provide wonder, fantasy, enchantment and/or
personal empowerment.
We are not a religious ring, but do include sites containing various and diverse beliefs, convictions, viewpoints, philosophies and spiritual teachings. We neither advocate nor reject any of these beliefs. We will add to this Webring such sites which are tastefully done, non-violent and do not demean other beliefs.
To clarify that point a bit... Serenity Webring will neither advocate nor include any sites which express "anti" people, politics, beliefs, "personal attacks"... or any "put downs" of that nature...whether expressed directly on your page or by "link".
*Be advised, therefore, that this webring may carry sites containing beliefs "other than your own". Hence, tolerance and respect are strongly encouraged.*
If your site is one that can "Enlighten" - "Uplift" - "Strengthen" - "Positively Motivate" - "Empower" -
"Encourage" or "Entertain" another for the better... it may be nominated for Membership by a current member in
good standing. Serenity is a "by Invitation Only" webring.
If you feel your site meets these requirements, but has not yet been "discovered" or nominated for Membership, you can contact a member
of The Team and request that your site be reviewed. You will find email addresses for The Team
Here or use the
link at the bottom of the page.
Your site must be.....
One that observes and follows the copyright laws - giving full credit to others work they
have gained permission to use on their personal sites. Any site blatantly ignoring these copyrights
will not be eligible for membership.
One that follows Serenity's "Rules of Netiquette"Read Here.
These rules were suggested by the members themselves. They include rules for "consideration of others"- for respecting each others' preferences/privacy
....and are to be observed. These involve nothing more than extending "common courtesy" to your fellow-members.
In some way... a positive experience to others.
Positively no nudity, profanity, specific sexual content/discussions, hate or violence.
*Note...We will consider a degree of nudity, tastefully presented, as art...
Reasonable loading time-Easy to navigate-No broken links. It would be in your best interests to see that your links are in good working order before submitting your site.
Contain graphics appropriate to the page content.
*Note that if your site is "under construction", it is best to wait until the "construction" is finished before submitting your site for consideration. Our Review cannot properly evaluate a site that is "unfinished".
Sites consisting primarily of "About Me" - "About My Family" "Dedicated to Family Members" - "Memorial Pages" - "About my Pet" or "Just Links" will not be considered. This is not to say that your pages cannot contain such information, but it should not be your main "focus".
Sites written in a language other than predominently "English" will not be considered.
Your site must contain a minimum of 5 pages- not including
awards pages (give or receive), link pages,
Webring pages, and message boards.) An "About me" page does count if details and graphics are included.
It is suggested your site have a guestbook.
Commercial sites will not be accepted!
We do not accept "Forum" - "ezines" - "Group" or "trigger" - type sites.
All sites must have their e-mail address clearly posted
either on the first page or their webrings page!
Generally speaking, what we look for are wholesome sites with a reasonable "mix" or "variety" of content which also include "interesting graphics" that are appropriate to that content and... in some way, can be an "An entertaining, uplifting/positive experience" to others.
*Note* As a matter of clarification... if your site has a "Main focus" or "Cause" that you support... it may be better for you to consider joining a "specialized webring" for such Causes. As stated above, Serenity is a webring for sites consisting of a good "variety" of content.
Please don't be discouraged if your site does not fit
the outlined requirements. It doesn't mean that your site is not of good quality!
**These requirements are subject to revision without notice.